We have all heard that recycling is good for the planet, but the U.S. may need some help with this. As the result of fast food restaurants, plastic cups, lids, straws, and our overall neglect to the environment, the U.S. burns six times more plastic waste than they recycle it. To reduce plastic pollution, scholars and academics suggest that stricter policy is put into place in order to save the environment. As plastic waste in the U.S. continues to rise, so does the cost of recycling. Solutions include bans on plastic bags, increasing the number of water refill stations, and reducing foam containers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Even if a recycling option is available, one must always be aware of the amount of plastic they consume
  • It will take a large, global movement to significantly decrease overall pollution
  • Burning plastic is still a very large offender in America despite recycling efforts

“The relentless focus on the future path for recycling plastic packaging flies in the face of the hard facts”

Read more: https://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/blog/2019/4/29/six-times-more-plastic-waste-is-burned-in-us-than-is-recycled


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