Cardiovascular disease outcomes including marital status, red meat consumption, whole milk consumption, and coffee consumption. Among these dietary variables, increasing coffee consumption was associated with decreasing long-term risk of HF congruently in FHS, ARIC, and CHS. Throughout history, coffee has been touted as an aid for digestion and for relieving headaches and cough as well […]
Living a healthy lifestyle is very loosely described as a lifestyle where you try your best to improve your health and prevent diseases. There are ways to lead a healthy lifestyle like eating a healthy diet. You can also make sure that you exercise regularly and limit your alcohol intake and also reduce your tobacco […]
The reason that people love hot showers is that it soothes your muscles and helps you to fall asleep faster. It also relaxes the nervous system. The hot showers can reek havoc on your skin though, it can dry it out. A cold shower has benefits as well, but nobody wants to take one because […]
Health and wellness tend to go hand in hand, even though they have definitions that aren’t all that similar. they have different definitions even though they might be thought of the same way. The idea of wellness is that you strive each day to do what is best for your health, and not just your […]
People often say that they want to eat healthier and they can achieve this with a little help from technology helping them to understand what foods they should be eating. With the pandemic, there are two things that people have been using more of and one of those is technology and the other one is […]
Global pandemic has affected all spheres of our life, and many of us changed the lifestyle as a result. Sometimes this change was forced upon us, but in certain cases it was a voluntary decision. Alarming number of people report that they are eating less healthy in these times. We spend more time at home, […]
There are many benefits when it comes to drinking ginger tea. In general, ginger is great because it can help prevent nausea and vomiting that is caused from pregnancy, chemotherapy and motion sickness. It also helps with reducing bloating and cramping while preventing indigestion. Ginger is typically used to ease an upset stomach. Ginger also […]
We have long ago accepted that water, in its plain form, is the best option when it come hydrating our body. Companies making bottled beverages claim that the benefits can be increased if additional elements are added. One of those elements is hydrogen, which exists in water as a basic chemical element. The logic behind […]
During this time of staying home and working from home, it is important to maintain some level of normalcy during this time. You should still eat a healthy diet, incorporate an exercise routine into your day and stay hydrated. You can build yourself an office space and maintain a good work and life balance even […]
Struggling with dry skin? Moisture Sandwich is the COOL new trend that helps combat it
If you have dry skin, those harsh moisturizers aren’t going to help keep the hydration in. You need to give your skin a break by using moisturizers and other items that combat dryness. When you cleanse your skin, then you also need to tone the skin as well. After toning, you can mist your face […]