Health advice: how to keep cool in the heat

On September 3, 2018, in Commentary, by Erik

Heat waves, like the one afflicting Europe right now, can cause heat exhaustion or heat stroke and exacerbate kidney, cardiac and other medical conditions. This is especially true in older people and children. There are steps you can take to protect yourself, such as keeping your home cool, dressing in light clothing and staying hydrated, and avoiding spending too much time or being too active outdoors. If you or neighbors, friends or loved ones feel dizzy, confused or unwell, you should get out of the heat immediately and rehydrate with water or fruit juice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Allow the night air to circulate into your home in order to cool down your surroundings at night in a natural way.
  • Try to spend at least two to three hours a day in cooler areas that are air conditioned.
  • Taking cool baths or showers throughout the day can help cool you down when your body is feeling too hot.

“The WHO European Region is currently experiencing a very hot summer, and this is expected to continue for the next weeks. During the holiday season, this is generally a cause for joy. However, the public, medical professionals and public health authorities need to be prepared for heatwaves and to tackle the possible health consequences of heat exposure.”

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