Water charges are the topic of the day in the U.K. and throughout Europe. Many citizens have been approaching elected officials with concerns about the cost. However, one has to ask who is paying the most for water and who is paying the least?
Because most of Europe charges water use on a metered basis, Ireland has the cheapest water rates in the European Union, paying 160 euros. Germans pay a whopping 792 euros. As you can see, the rates from country to country are staggeringly different. Water reform should be looked into not just in the U.K., but the EU at large. For a full article on this, click here:: How do our water charges compare with the rest of Europe?
Europe Water Usage By the Numbers
Water charges are the topic of the day in the U.K. and throughout Europe. Many citizens have been approaching elected officials with concerns about the cost. However, one has to ask who is paying the most for water and who is paying the least?
Because most of Europe charges water use on a metered basis, Ireland has the cheapest water rates in the European Union, paying 160 euros. Germans pay a whopping 792 euros. As you can see, the rates from country to country are staggeringly different. Water reform should be looked into not just in the U.K., but the EU at large. For a full article on this, click here:: How do our water charges compare with the rest of Europe?
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