Water pollution can be harmful to the health of humans and animals. Different forms of pollution can harm your health in different ways. Heavy metals in the water can be toxic to fish populations. Organic matter can starve the water column of oxygen due to algae. Water can be cleaned of pollution, but the filters are expensive on the large scale. One thing an individual can do to help is to use cleaners that do not pollute the water supply.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although water pollution may not seem dangerous to our health in the short term, in the long term they are very disastrous.
  • Heavy metals in the water and land are gotten from industrial processes and they can result in birth defects, slow down development and be even carcinogenic.
  • Microbial water pollution passes diseases from things like sewage to humans and aquatic life and this is a particularly pressing problem in the developing world.

“Suspended particles in freshwater reduces the quality of drinking water for humans and the aquatic environment for marine life. Suspended particles can often reduce the amount of sunlight penetrating the water, disrupting the growth of photosynthetic plants and micro-organisms.”

Read more: https://www.water-pollution.org.uk/dangers-of-water-pollution/


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