Celery juice is something that many people would not even consider consuming. However, it is recently proven to be very healthy for the body! It is full of nutrients and ingredients that make it very worthwhile for someone to have on a relatively consistent basis. Overall, it is not easy to consume it a lot as it is not very tasty but some people have said that it is a good remedy for cooking as well. Be creative!

Key Takeaways:

  • Celery juice is the latest health food trend to hit the airwaves and social media, with health gurus and celebrities singing its praises.
  • Celery is widely available and provides few calories but lots of fiber, vitamins, folate and other nutrients.
  • There is currently little research on how celery juice impacts health when consumed in large quantities over time, and at least some people are allergic to it.

““When juicing came back [in trend], it was all about fruit. Now with carb and sugar phobia, I think vegetable juices have taken hold again,” said Cynthia Sass, RD, CSSD, a New York City and Los Angeles based performance dietitian.”

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/celery-juice-latest-wellness-trend-follow/story?id=57122564


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