You may just think that loud noises are annoying, but recent studies suggest that they could have an impact on your overall physical health. A correlation between high levels of noise pollution and poor cardiovascular health has been noted. Experts suggest that this could be a result of noise causing sleep disturbances, but also could be linked to the stress response. The sudden onset of a loud noise can startle an individual and likely trigger the stress response, which, over a long period of time, can cause a decline in cardiovascular health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Noise pollution may be as dangerous as regular pollution for you heart and body
  • The research doesn’t show that it cause heart disease but like cholesterol, it adds to the risk
  • It figures in with stress, as a way to add problems to your body and your heart

“loud sounds not only disrupt sleep, which can lead to health problems, but can also ignite the stress response, releasing a rush of hormones that, over time, can damage the heart.”

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