Build a Barrier, Keep Water Safe

On November 25, 2014, in Commentary, Government, by Erik

The Environment Protection Agency has had its hands full. Issues that have affected fresh water supplies such as the algal bloom in Lake Erie, a chemical spill in West Virginia’s Elk River, and a drought throughout the American West have been in the headlines of both American media and abroad. What can be done to prevent other incidents like that from happening in the U.S., but also prevent such things from happening in the U.K.?

Like with anything you wish to protect, you build a barrier. Yes, water treatment plants can do a great job cleaning water for public use, but it can’t always filter out exotic chemicals when they are introduced into the water supply. Barrier technologies built near the lakes, streams, and other freshwater bodies help block chemicals and natural sediment from entering the water distribution system in the first place. For a full article on this topic, click here:: Protecting Drinking Water with Barrier Technologies


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