Why the Work is Worth It

On April 3, 2020, in Commentary, by Erik

Both Genes and what you put into your body both play just as significant a role as the other. What you put into your body makes up what your body has to function on and genes alone won’t carry all your functions for you. We all make poor choices from time to time and it can be hard to change those habits, but changing them is well worth it. It’s worth it because you will simply just feel better in and out.

Key Takeaways:

  • In order to feel better we need to eat better. Limit your salt, sugar and saturated fat intake and start adding fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  • Getting a healthy amount of calcium in our body can prevent osteoporosis and calcium is heavy in items like yogurt, milk and edamame.
  • Adding fruits and vegetables to our diets can prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease and stroke.

“But if you eat smart, exercise, manage stress, and quit smoking, you’ll feel better and set the stage for an active and healthy future.”

Read more: https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/features/importance-of-healthy-lifestyle


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