Many homeowners look at decluttering as an overwhelming process, but it can actually be quite a liberating one. Having a home that is organized with everything in its designated place will give you much more time to spend with your friends and family as opposed to wasting time looking for items that have been misplaced in clutter. It has also been shown that decluttering works as a domino effect. Once you throw away or donate one item, your motivation to keep doing so increases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Decluttering can really feel overwhelming and a lot of stress especially when one has accumulated a lot of possessions.
  • Decluttering is liberating because it makes you stop spending time looking for things and to have time to look after yourself.
  • When decluttering, it might not be done overnight but one can start in small steps like decluttering three items a week.

“Once you start decluttering, you realise how great you feel about it, and you want to keep going.”

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