A Rally for Change in Water Treatment

On December 17, 2015, in News, by Erik

Aside from minor advancements and changes in controls, water treatment isn’t operated much differently than it was done over a century ago. So why are water and waste water facilities presenting a financial stress for our communities? Read more here to see why some believe innovation is key to a cheaper utility bill and better […]

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Re-use / Recycle Water Filter Cartridges

On March 28, 2015, in Commentary, Discoveries & Innovation, by ukwfstaff

Here’s a typical question we get: Hi The new water filter arrived and is safely installed , thank you . How do I dispose of the old one , does it go in to plastics recycling ? Best wishes Susan Good question Susan: There are 2 main types of filter we’ll cover here: Inline filters […]

Beijing Enterprises to Assist in Singapore’s Utilities

On November 5, 2014, in Latest, by Erik

Beijing Enterprises Water Group (BEWG) was announced as the winning bidder to develop Singapore’s wastewater reuse plant. The $141 million contract will be fulfilled while working alongside the United Engineers subsidy, UE NEWater in creating the design and construction. For a full article on this story, click here:: BEWG wins the seal of approval in […]

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