Dirty Syrian Water Causes WHO to Fear Possible Cholera Outbreak

On March 4, 2015, in News, by Erik

The World Health Organization believes that Syria is primed for a cholera outbreak due to its poor water sanitation. The area is already plagued with water-borne diseases such as hepatitis A and typhoid. A major reason for this fear is due to the conflict in Syria that has cut-off supplies such as safe drinking water […]

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Irish Water Pestering Landlords

On February 26, 2015, in News, by Erik

The Residential Landlords Association in Ireland is calling for a meeting with the Environmental Minister to discuss Irish Water bills. They’re concerned over the upcoming legislation that would govern the collection of utility charges in the rental sector. This could force landlords to hand over tenants’ deposit money to Irish Water if the residents fail […]

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Indian Village Sick With Toxic Water

On November 18, 2014, in Drinking Water, by Erik

In a remote village along the Indian-Pakistan border, residents are being maimed and even blinded by highly toxic water. Their river is contaminated with lead, uranium, and other heavy metals. Experts suspect Indian factories and Pakistani tanneries of pouring untreated waste into the river, where it seeps into the ground water. The Indian government is […]

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US Water Use Drops

On November 17, 2014, in Government, by Erik

According to a US Geological Survey report, water use across the country has been dropping so much that it has reached its lowest level in almost 45 years. This indicates that people are learning to be more conscious about their water usage overall. Water use dropped across the board, from domestic use to agricultural and […]

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What Happened to UK Water Charges?

On November 14, 2014, in Government, by Erik

Water charges have been effective off and on for decades in the UK. In many areas they were the norm until 1997, when they were discontinued over mounting public pressure on the Government. Now, with the fate of water charges in a very similar situation, take a look back at the history of water charges, […]

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Politics and Bad Infrastructure Drying Up Latin America

On November 11, 2014, in Government, by Erik

Karl Lippert, president of the Latin American division of SABMiller, claims that Latin America’s poor infrastructure, inconsistent regulation, and lack of sewage treatment hinders its ability to manage its supply of fresh water. While South America has consistent rainfall, it typically lands in unpopulated areas and the rainfall tends to deteriorate river basins with sediment […]

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$7.5 Billion Water Bond Passes in California

On November 7, 2014, in Government, by Erik

In response to the severe drought in the state, California voters approved the $7.5 billion Proposition 1 water bond. The money will be distributed to measures relating to water conservation, groundwater cleanup, protecting drinking water, and funding two storage reservoirs. The lion’s share of the money will be dedicated to water storage, specifically the Temperance […]

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Middle East and North Africa Must Combine Water Resources

On November 7, 2014, in Drinking Water, Government, by Erik

As the populace grows, there is increased pressure on nations in the Middle East and North Africa to make sure they have enough water, food, land, and energy provided for their people. By working together in a nexus approach, resources can be used more efficiently along with water and food to be readily available. For […]

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Irish Government to Revise Water Pricing

On November 6, 2014, in Drinking Water, Government, by Erik

After over 150,000 people took part in protests on Saturday, the Irish government has listened and is planning to change the charging system of Ireland’s water utility. While this might seem like a good move, the Right2Water organizers will continue to fight to have water paid by general taxation, not a utility fee. For more […]

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Beijing Enterprises to Assist in Singapore’s Utilities

On November 5, 2014, in Latest, by Erik

Beijing Enterprises Water Group (BEWG) was announced as the winning bidder to develop Singapore’s wastewater reuse plant. The $141 million contract will be fulfilled while working alongside the United Engineers subsidy, UE NEWater in creating the design and construction. For a full article on this story, click here:: BEWG wins the seal of approval in […]

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