Over half our bodies are made of water, and water is really good for you, but a lot of people don’t drink the amount they should on a day to day basis. SmartChoice Fitness acknowledges this and is promoting how important staying hydrated is on their facebook page. SmartChoice believes people either forget to drink water throughout the day, don’t like water, or don’t realize how important it is and offer ways to increase your water intake through out the day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Every day this week, SmartChoice Fitness will be publishing fruit infused recipes on their FaceBook page to enable people to trial some different flavors.
  • Despite this knowledge, there are still up to 75% of adults who walk around dehydrated and who suffer as a consequence.
  • SmartChoice Fitness believes that the three main reasons for people not drinking enough water are they forget, they do not like the taste of water, or they do not realize the benefits of drinking water.

“Every day this week, SmartChoice Fitness will be publishing fruit infused recipes on their FaceBook page to enable people to trial some different flavors.”



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