economies are being threatened by global shortages such as water which is essential drinking, household chores, for farming, which leads to busineess of manufacturing, which leads to life. the weathe ris changing, more people are being born. there is a prediction that by 2050 a couple countries will have little to no water and the population will drastically drop. there needs to be a raise in awareness. we need to invest now to help keep those farmers from getting a drought. the farmers will struggle and they need the help form the community/government with a water supply. we need to teach other countries how to not waste good water supply, less contamination.

Key Takeaways:

  • Climate change, growing population, and increasing demand driving water shortages around the world.
  • Water is not valued in the way it should be.
  • Water can be valued more by understanding risks of inefficient water management.

“In many cases, there is a cultural issue around making profit from water, even in countries where the private sector has played a strong role in different parts of the economy.”


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