For years and year, environmentalists have been pouring in data about the dangers of continuous water pollution. It is a consistent topic throughout the news and reforms have been put in place. Yet, while most people would agree that water reform is important, many don’t know the dire consequences if it were to fail.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, up to 11% of all marine life worldwide have been succumbed to extinction each year from 1975 to today. Recent studies have also found that water contamination in China could be the cause of their “cancer villages” that happen to live near contaminated water areas. Contaminated water affects the entire food chain from the animals and plants that drink from it to our dinner plate. Reform is important to not only the environment, but also our food supply. For a full article on pollution and why it needs to end now, click here:: What Would Happen if Pollution Doesn’t Stop?
Grave Consequences If Water Pollution Continues
For years and year, environmentalists have been pouring in data about the dangers of continuous water pollution. It is a consistent topic throughout the news and reforms have been put in place. Yet, while most people would agree that water reform is important, many don’t know the dire consequences if it were to fail.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, up to 11% of all marine life worldwide have been succumbed to extinction each year from 1975 to today. Recent studies have also found that water contamination in China could be the cause of their “cancer villages” that happen to live near contaminated water areas. Contaminated water affects the entire food chain from the animals and plants that drink from it to our dinner plate. Reform is important to not only the environment, but also our food supply. For a full article on pollution and why it needs to end now, click here:: What Would Happen if Pollution Doesn’t Stop?
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