A business news website reports that the popularity of bottled water has recently caused a backlash. It has been shown that the industry produces 38 billion bottles that are not recycled. In addition, making the bottles requires the consumption of 17 million barrels of fossil fuel each year. Groups have arisen, such as Ban the […]
Scott walker is training for a marathon and ran 20 miles one day while training. He ran out of water while he was running which never happens to him. He then went into a pub and asked for a glass of tap water. Scott states that the pub manager would t give him a glass […]
The online version of an English newspaper has a feature on a technological innovation for storing water. Scientists and businessmen at a college in London have developed biodegradable and edible pouches to store water. The group has raised 800,000 pounds in investments. The report shows a man ingesting the pouch of water. The group says […]
The online version of an English newspaper reports on a water leak in Great Blakenham that has been allowed to continue for months, despite business owners’ calls for action. The paper interviewed and photographed a shop owner pointing out the leak. He said he was told the leak could be fixed in one day. The […]
Vacations are often a time to indulge in various foods and especially cruises that offer delicious buffets every day, however the Weight Watchers cruise is a little different. Passengers on the Weight Watchers cruise chose to focus on their bikini bodies and take part in the holistic approach put forth by the organizers to demonstrate […]
The online version of a British newspaper has a story about a charity pop up coffee shop event this Friday. The owner of a coffee shop will be serving various types of coffee. Proceeds will be used to support a project to bring clean water to coffee growers in other parts of the world. This […]
Belu’s Chief Executive Karen Lynch transformed the failing company to a successful business in a few years. From 2008 to 2015, the company went from debts of £1.9m to revenues of £5.9m. Belu is a UK-based carbon neutral water distributor that personifies corporate social responsibility. All the bottles are made from recycled materials and all […]
A group of surfers enjoying the good weather in Sennen Cove, Cornwall were joined by a pod of 15 dolphins also raking advantage of the good weather. Malcolm Barradell who was visiting the beach on holiday from Cornwall documented the dolphins enjoying their day at the beach. He relates that they seemed to be surfing […]
A UK website covering business news reports a backlash developing over the bottled water industry. For years bottled water enjoyed popularity as a healthy option over soda. Now, however, people have begun to voice concerns over the environmental costs involved with bottled water. A billion dollars a year is lost due to bottles that are […]
Amazing moment dolphins leap out of the water as they join Brits taking advantage of good weather before Easter Bank … – The Sun
Leading up to the Easter Bank Holiday, the good weather brought out a pod of dolphins. The pod reportedly was playing in the water alongside surfers and other people in the water. The dolphins made a spectacle that stopped people in their tracks and they were amazed at what they were seeing. Despite the prediction […]