Fluoride is in our drinking water a lot of the time so it can be hard to think of it as a contamination but it really can be one. These students have found a plan for cleaning it up in a way that is cheap and relatively easy. This is a great thing because it […]
If this phone is supposed to be waterproof why doesn’t the warranty cover water damage? That makes little sense and is shaking the faith of customers in this phone. If you have this phone you should not just believe the waterproof claim. Keep it away from water. If the claim is wrong you won’t get […]
Everything I learned about the positive affects of physical activity all started in grade school with my Physical Education courses. My first ever PE teacher in 1st grade taught me that physica activity helps you maintain a healthy heart and mind. Because PE and even recess is being phased out of school, more young children […]
A predecessor to dinosaurs known as archosaurs are mystifying creatures which have changed scientists perception not he timeline of evolution when it comes to dinosaurs. While archosaurs do share some similarities to dinosaurs genealogically speaking they do not represent a direct line of ancestors of dinosaurs. Finding more out about these species is important to […]
Skipping Rocks Lab has developed an innovative way to not only package water, but soda, alcohol, cosmetics and other liquids. Made from plants and seaweed, this product has a tremendously low environmental impact and would reduce reliance on harmful plastic products. Not only is this package cheaper than plastic, but it is also edible. Ooho, […]
Many people wonder about water conservation. They wonder what could happen if they are out of fresh water. There is so much salt water on the planet. There is a new sieve that turns seawater into drinking water. What a wonderful thing that would be for people that live in places where fresh and clean […]
Researchers from MIT and Berkeley have created a device to pull water from the air. Metal organic framework, or MOF, extracts water from the air. The metal in this MOF is zirconium and adipic acid. It can collect 2.8 liters of water over 12 hours at 20-30% humidity, which is very useful as it is […]
In Texas, one politician decided to walk her way into the lives of some of her fellow denizens, and her constituents join her willingly. Since she implemented the idea in 2015, San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor has spent Saturdays walking. A large group of locals has joined her in her routine. The activity was spurred […]
A Wilmington, Delaware tv station website has a feature on health on Wednesdays. This week’s features discusses bodybuilding. The coach of a bodybuilding team states that in order to be an effective bodybuilder, a person has to have a style of life that is wholesome and good for one’s health. A person cannot just exercise […]
April 19 identified as ‘mortgage freedom day’ for UK home owners – AOL UK
This article discusses Mortgage Freedom Day in the UK. Mortgage Freedom day, which will fall on April 19th, in Halifax means that homeowners will have finally earned enough to pay off the annual cost of their mortgage. This is assuming they put all of their earnings for the year toward mortgage costs. This is also […]