
NHS funding pledges by major parties would still fall short, experts say – The Guardian

On June 1, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

The NHS will be underfunded the next couple of years. The amount pledged by the political parties is not sufficient to cover quality health care. Even with the extra pledges by the Tories, Labor, and the Liberal Democrats, the NHS is still underfunded. OBR has recommended that a budget increase of 4% every year should […]


No Fruit Juice for Children Under 1 Year of Age, Experts Say – Healthline

On May 31, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

Fruit juice for children 1 year and under is not recommended. Children up to the age of eighteen should only drink fruit juice in small doses as well. Fruit juice is loaded with lots of extra sugar that really dont have any nutritional value for children. Fruit juice is also known to give children dental […]


Water reflections have hidden clues that tell us how choppy waves are – Business Insider UK

On May 31, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

Tristan Gooley has given some good clues and information on how light patterns reflected on water can allow one to tell how calm or how rough a body of water is. This article is a good starting point for navigators who may be traversing different bodies of water. These light patterns or “glitter paths” can […]


Sailing to a better future after childhood cancer – BBC News

On May 30, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

Children with cancer know the medical world all to well as patients. And as patients they have to obey treatment and basically do as they are told. It is almost as if they have control over nothing. Then they beat cancer and it is time to take control back again. Many of these now older […]


Full-fat dairy products may offer surprising health benefits – CBS News

On May 30, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

There has always been a stigma around fat. Fat in our bodies, fat in our food. Just anything to do with fat was viewed as unhealthy. Yet, full-fat dairy products can have surprisingly good health benefits. Lessening the chance of diabetes is one of those. Fat in dairy also keeps you full for longer and […]


5 tips for cleaning your washing machine and making it last longer –

On May 29, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

The washing machine is used for getting our clothes clean. Yet many of us never clean the thing that provides us with that daily fresh set of clothes. There are a few ways to make the washing machine last longer. Make sure to clean the drum and make sure to reach behind any rubber bands. […]


Killer American mink ‘in every Welsh river’ – BBC News

On May 29, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

The American Mink is a non-native predatory species that was introduced into Britain in the 1920s and has since caused considerable irreversible damage to natural habitats and local species. For example, lapwing birds and water vole populations have been threatened to extinction in this region. There has been an exponential growth in the American Mink […]


As lenders pull back on buy-to-let, where can you get the best deals? –

On May 28, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

There are some new Bank of England rules which were introduced and they are rather strict. Lenders were happy-go-lucky to give out loans in the past, but not so much now. These loans were buy-to-let and it is just that. Loans handed out to allow buyers to lease the homes they purchased with those loans. […]


Switching daily beer for water cuts risk of obesity, study finds – The Guardian

On May 28, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

A study made reveals that replacing one beer for one glass of water can cut chances of obesity by twenty percent. There was sixty thousand participants in this study. This is because beer is underestimated in it’s caloric content. It is only second to fat in its caloric content. There are somethings that go hand-in-hand […]


London house prices recover as sellers shrug off election – The Independent

On May 27, 2017, in Commentary, by Erik

London has a trend in which both buyers and sellers hold off on any transaction before an election. This trend was broken and they proceeded with business as usual. The asking price went up two percent as well. Now London is a city different from the rest of Britain because there is less hesitation on […]