Very exciting news about what is being done to help prevent and put a stop to childhood obesity. Experts have known that probiotics are good for digestion, now they are saying prebiotics given to children (mixed in water, a powder) can suppress appetite and also help grow good bacteria in a child’s stomach. The study […]
The Thames water company has failed epically in many ways. By not meeting its obligations and allowing illogical calculations to slip through their fingers, they have in many ways been to blame for the disgusting over pollution of the Thames waterway. Filth and sewage have been huge unwelcome visitors to many events that must then […]
Colon cancer, the second most leading cause of death from cancer, can be slowed or prevented with a healthy lifestyle. Exercising, eating vegetables and fruits, limiting red meat intake and maintaining a healthy weight are key factors to a healthy lifestyle. In a recent study, people were told to follow the guidelines for a healthy […]
A 30 year old surfer from the United Kingdom was the first person in history to be attacks by a shark and simultaneously suffer minor injuries.Although British waters are homes to a diversity of sharks and other oceanic life, this remain the first attack in British history. Rick Thomas, a surfer, was confronted and attacked […]
A research in Sweden determined cause of death during the years of 1998-2014 revealed 15,360 have relation to the four healthy lifestyle factors. The four healthy lifestyle factors that increase life span are nonsmoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and a healthy diet. Dr Sussan Larsson made the discovery of the 4 factors of healthy lifestyle […]
A 1.75 million AUD will be awarded to the company that can manufacture 2000 liters of drinkable water extracted from the air. the winner of the contest will be announced in 2018. As of some of the scientist involved the need of water will become great in the future. According to them, it is important […]
It is no secret that plastic water bottles, while convenient, are not good for the environment. This is why reusable water bottles are typically the way to go if you are looking to get in your recommended 8 glasses a day, but do not want to pollute the Earth anymore than it already is. Depending […]
Scientists have discovered that water actually has a taste. The five main tastes are sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umani. Studies have been completed in which scientists shut down different parts of the tongue’s taste buds to see which buds were receptive to the water flavor. When the sour taste cells were blocked, the perception […]
The article, “EU skills relaunch water safety training ‘blue card’ “,provides information about a new training program for professionals in the water industry,in the UK. The program is being launched by Energy and Utility Skills, an industry training and skill standard body. The program outlines a training, designed to provide improved health and safety practices […]
Water trade body draws from the well of government communicators – PRWeek
The U.K. Has decided to appoint 2 new directors in the top ranks of government to address and aid in the U.K. WAter team. They bring experiences and talents that should boost the strengths of the water team and help provide insights into ways to identify priorities, shape and make new policies, work on new […]