Hard water is typically defined as ground water that contains calcifying minerals, such water has these minerals dissolved into or suspended within, that causes a buildup in pipes, faucets, on dishes and you when you bathe in it. It can leave hair and skin dry, flaky and harder to clean. For hair, make sure to use a scalp toner and a shampoo that is not harsh as well as moisturize the scalp area. For the skin, use a loofah or other exfoliate with a gentle moisturizing cleanser and hydrate skin with soothing lotion, and of course drink enough water.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hard water is to blame when one discovers that moisturizing the skin deeply and the hair do not leave the desired effect.
  • Hard water affects many homes in the UK and the most prone cities for this to be found are London, Newcastle, and Oxford.
  • Hard water can leave tectonic plates in one’s cup of tea as well as make the skin to have eczema and lifeless locks.

“”It may have flowed through limestone and chalk, which leaves deposits of calcium and magnesium. Soft water, on the other hand, is largely free of minerals – falling rain, for example.””

Read more: https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/hard-water


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