Automated cars for everyone are on the horizon and flying cars may not be as sci-fi as once supposed. The future is here. Smart homes are doing more and more everyday. Bio-engineering is a reality. So, is it really that far off the radar of probability that our houseplants could be altered to be more than merely decorative and soothing home elements? Apparently not.

Plants are already remarkably sensitive. The key is to make them able to alert their homeowners of what they are sensing, such as biochemical changes that could indicate problems in the home. One idea is to utilize the genetic code of jellyfish to induce phosphorescence in plants when exposed to things their owners would want to know about. The best plants for this purpose would have large easily readable leaves. For the best effect, the biosensitve greenery could be made into an attractive wall.

Key Takeaways:

  • In the future, smart homes might well come equipped with a wall of smart biosensitive plants, able to alert you to things like flu-virus in the air.
  • Although plants can already detect many chemical anomalies in the home, it’s proposed that bioengineering could make them a viable home alert system for homeowners.
  • By instilling the code of phosphorescent jellyfish, large-leafed plants could be created that glow when exposed to elements of which homeowners would want to be apprised of, such as mold.

“Your future home has all the modern amenities. Heliport for your flying car, robot chef, touch screen walls. And then there are the houseplants. They may look like ordinary spider plants and peace lilies. But one day, out of nowhere, the plants begin to glow an eerie purple.”

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