The article, “EU skills relaunch water safety training ‘blue card’ “,provides information about a new training program for professionals in the water industry,in the UK. The program is being launched by Energy and Utility Skills, an industry training and skill standard body. The program outlines a training, designed to provide improved health and safety practices and ensure safe , clean drinking water to the public. As part of this process, individuals who complete the program are added to a Energy and Skills Register, which certifies this training.
- Over ten years ago the National Water Hygiene training program was developed.
- After completing the program the participants receive a “blue card”, signifying that they have been trained in the importance of the quality and safety of drinking water.
- An online register is kept of the people who have completed this training, and is accessible to employers.
“The scheme’s ‘blue card’ is recognised by the UK water industry as a vital part in ensuring the protection of public health and promoting safe drinking water practices – it is a criminal offence to supply water unfit for human consumption.”
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EU Skills relaunch water safety training ‘blue card’ – Energy and Environmental Management (EAEM) Magazine
The article, “EU skills relaunch water safety training ‘blue card’ “,provides information about a new training program for professionals in the water industry,in the UK. The program is being launched by Energy and Utility Skills, an industry training and skill standard body. The program outlines a training, designed to provide improved health and safety practices and ensure safe , clean drinking water to the public. As part of this process, individuals who complete the program are added to a Energy and Skills Register, which certifies this training.
Key Takeaways:
“The scheme’s ‘blue card’ is recognised by the UK water industry as a vital part in ensuring the protection of public health and promoting safe drinking water practices – it is a criminal offence to supply water unfit for human consumption.”
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