There are many things that we can do to prevent cardiovascular disease from happening. The first and most important thing that we can do is to start exercise and limit our inactivity. When we’re inactive the arteries start to become inflamed and that affects the way blood circulates to our body. It’s essential that we get the proper sleep needed as being sleep deprived can negatively affect our heart. Finally, if you are a smoker quit the habit ASAP. Smoking can cause inflammation in the arteries and can deplete our bodies of key vitamins.

Key Takeaways:

  • Increasing your activity can help prevent the inflammation of arteries and can improve blood circulation in the body.
  • Getting quality sleep can not only help the body but it also can help the mind as both will feel rejuvenated after a good nights sleep.
  • Smoking can create inflammation in the arteries and also can deplete important vitamins in your body, so stop if you can.

“Avoid consumption of refined sugar, processed food, packaged fruit juices and refined oils among other foods that can lead to inflammation.”

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