As a consequence of climate change, prolonged periods of increased temperatures are more frequent. For good health during these times, it is necessary to ensure adequate intake of water, but the exact quantity is often debated. Recent research studies show that the old notion of 64 ounces of water a day is actually very sound. If you are spending most of the day in direct sunlight, this quantity should be increased by 50%. Frequency of intake is also important as is the actual fluid you drink. Both milk and juice can provide sufficient hydration and certain sports drinks provide both salt and sugar.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you haven’t urinated in a few hours, or if your urine is lemonade yellow, you’re probably dehydrated.
  • Drinking too much water flushes sodium out of your body, which is unhealthy.
  • Sports drinks contain unnecessary sugar, but also salt which can provide valuable electrolytes.

“Climate change is very real, and as a result, the frequency of heat waves has increased”

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