Cutting out alcohol for a while can be beneficial to people’s health, even if they’re only an occasional or moderate drinker to start with. People who cut out alcohol say it helps them sleep more soundly and promotes weight loss by removing empty calories. It can be useful to set a longer duration for an “alcohol fast,” as the effects tend to be more pronounced the longer people do it. Don’t tell everyone about it at the onset, but do talk to anyone who tries to prod someone to drink.

Key Takeaways:

  • If someone is able to focus on themselves and their well being, they will know that it is not good for them.
  • Millions and millions of people have had issues with alcohol for so many years.
  • It is up to each person to take ownership and to know when to stop as the body feels the brunt of it.

““I actually had a couple of drinks one night and woke up the next morning and felt horrible. And I was like, ‘What am I doing? I would really like to give this up.’ And so I gave it up for a year. And after a year I never had a desire to go back, and it’s been nearly three years now,” said Sobelton.”

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