Aging does not have to be a thing of dread, the notion that the older generation are not living life to its fullest is a misconception. Depending on lifestyle choices, many seniors are living productive lives. In fact mental conditions such as depression decline as you age. With the advancement in the medical field life expectancy hasn’t only risen but seniors are more productive than ever. The United States deals with a lot of Chronic Illnesses still but can reverse a lot of those with the proper diet and fitness levels. Seniors can be divided into two camps (60-75) the young old, and (80 and greater) the old-old. Both age groups can grow and thrive in their senior years. Cognitive decline doesn’t really become a factor until your 80’s.

Key Takeaways:

  • The ‘longevity dividend’ is what gerontologists call the trend of older adults living longer with less disability.
  • Those in their 60s and 70s experience minimal cognitive decline, aside from numerical ability and processing speed.
  • A 2014 study estimated that only around 30 percent of age-related memory changes are the due to genetics.

“Despite decades of research into human aging, not to mention the fact that people are living longer and more productive lives, there still seems to be a popular belief that older adults have nothing to look forward to but worsening health problems and becoming a burden on society.”

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