Drinking water and your health

On October 29, 2020, in Commentary, by Erik

The importance of drinking water for one’s overall health is a settled matter. There are still discussions about what the optimal amount of daily intake is, but no one is really doubting the benefits of hydration. Water is needed for nutrient absorption, chemical reactions and for flushing out the body waste. Insufficient water intake can lead to cardiovascular and renal problems, while some researchers are finding correlation to certain forms of cancer. When it comes to bottled water, it may be safer to drink that the tap water in some areas of the world, but it does not provide any additional benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking plenty of water every day is essential for good health. Australian tap water is the best choice for staying well hydrated.
  • People who don’t drink enough water every day are at greater risk of kidney stones, problems with their heart valves and some kinds of cancer.
  • Bottled water has lower quality controls than tap drinking water, while plastic bottles are not good for the environment.

“Drinking water in most parts of Australia contains fluoride, which helps to protect against tooth decay. Water is also needed for the body to make saliva, which is important for washing food away from the teeth and helping you chew, taste, swallow and digest food.”

Read more: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/drinking-water-and-your-health


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