A good night’s sleep is imperative if you want to be healthy, but unfortunately, many of us do not get an adequate amount of rest. Luckily, there are plenty of scientifically-proven methods for you to get better sleep. For one, you can use light to you advantage by blocking out blue light at night and getting natural sunlight immediately when you wake up. You should also be aware of what your ingesting, as caffeine late in the day can cause poor sleep. Other techniques for a better night’s sleep include, but are not limited to, using the right mattress, taking a warm bath before bed, and meditating.

Key Takeaways:

  • Get sunlight first thing in the morning as this helps you be more physically active which helps you sleep at night.
  • Sleep on a good mattress as the difference between a good mattress and a bad mattress can have a major difference on your sleep quality.
  • Don’t drink caffeine after a certain time of day as caffeine will prevent you from falling asleep easily at night.

“Waking up to dawn simulation has also been proven to help keep a person’s internal body clock in sync.”

Read more: https://mommypotamus.com/sleep-tips/


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